Observe Your Thoughts for Peace of Mind, Relaxation & Clarity

A lot of people think they need to ‘stop thinking’ in order to meditate, but the thing is, the brain never really STOPS thinking. You can experience complete stillness momentarily, but the Mind will always come back into a place of thought. However, spending time releasing thoughts and just being the observer as they come in and out, brings the consciousness into a place of peace and stillness.

In order to ’Stop thinking,’ you can try THIS meditation.

The benefits of this practice can help when you are overthinking, when you can’t fall asleep, when you need to relax, when you prepare for a specific guided meditation, relaxing the mind is the first step to getting the best results.

You may have heard the concept of the ‘Monkey Mind,’ and every single one of us has this within ourselves, where our mind wants to constantly be ‘at work.’ It wants to always be thinking and doing something and focusing on almost anything but stillness.

You can think of our brains as a biological computer that are constantly giving and receiving frequencies that contain information. So, when we bring our Mind into a place of stillness, we are literally neutralizing the thought waves. This SLOOOWS down the thought wave process so that when we begin to think again, we are responding rather than reacting.

This technique is like an energetic detox for the brain and mind. It can take a bit of time before you really bring your awareness into this state, but it is possible for everyone with some practice, and practice. Once you get the hang of it, you can integrate it into many aspects of life.

Click here for an Experience with this technique and I hope that it brings you a sense of peace, calm, and clarity.

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